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Emsculpt Treatment in Wangaratta and Albury

Emsculpt is the world’s first non-invasive butt lift alternative. 

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what is Emsculpt?

Core Clinic offers a groundbreaking muscle-building and fat-reduction treatment called EmSculpt. The Emsculpt machine is reminiscent of a miniature MRI device harnessing therapeutic magnetic fields. Research has shown that Emsculpt treatments can produce an impressive 19% increase in muscle development. Through the hypercontraction induced by this technology, fatty acids are released from muscle cells, resulting in additional fat reduction as well as muscle-building effects.

what does Emsculpt Help with?

Stubborn belly fat.

Unable to work out at the gym due to fitness or disability.

Poor posture. 

Back pain.

Weakened core strength.

Struggling to gain muscle.


Get a workout without risk of injury.

Emsculpt Results

16% increase in muscle mass.

96% client satisfaction.

19% fat reduction.

Feel strengthened muscles after the very first treatment.

Immediate and noticeable improvement in strength at the gym.

Visible results usually start within 2 weeks of the first treatment.

Progressive results that keep getting better over time.

The Emsculpt Machine

The Emsculpt machine is specifically designed to target the abdominal, gluteal, bicep, and tricep muscles and has been proven to improve muscle tone, reduce fat, and increase muscle mass.

Emsculpt Before and After

Emsculpt FAQ

  • What is the treatment time?

    A typical treatment plan consists of 4 sessions, 30 minutes each, scheduled 2-3 days apart. We can recommend a treatment plan tailored to your specific goals and circumstances.

  • What does it feel like?

    While the treatment itself is pain-free, we are working some deep muscles. Hence, many clients say an EmSculpt treatment feels like an intensive workout – just without the sweat! You should quickly become used to the sensation, allowing you to lay back and relax during the treatment.

  • How fast will I see results?

    You should begin to feel tangible results right after the treatment. Visible positive results are usually reported two to four weeks after the last session and continue improving for several weeks after the treatment.

  • Am I a good Emsculpt candidate?

    Anyone can benefit from the Emsculpt treatment. However, clients who have a healthy BMI will generally see more visible results. Emsculpt treatments are suitable for men and women, provided you aren't pregnant and don't have a pacemaker or metal implants. Contact the clinic for more information or book a free consultation to discuss your goals and personal situation.

  • Is there any downtime?

    EmSculpt is a non-invasive treatment that requires no recovery time. Although Emsculpt is equivalent to an intensive workout, there's a unique phase during the treatment that helps to release lactic acid buildup, so you can avoid post-workout DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).

The Treatment with a Difference!

The treatment is non-surgical, non-invasive and painless. Each session is done in 30 minutes. Our industry-leading technology has been clinically proven to be effective and can be used by both men and women.

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